Empower Your Reach: Redefining Social Media Strategy for Success!

Our Mission

Welcome to Luxful Marketing, your go-to social media management agency dedicated to fueling the growth for your beauty business! Our mission is simple yet effective & powerful: to deliver unparalleled organic marketing services that drive exceptional results.

At Luxful Marketing, we specialize in empowering both large beauty businesses and solo beauty-preneurs to effectively scale their online presence through organic means.

Using our unique Luxful Strategy, we develop a personalized roadmap designed to attract thousands of potential customers in your beauty niche.

Organic Marketing Growth

Build Brand Awareness

By harnessing the power of reels, captivating story posts, and other authentic organic methods, we ensure your content reaches fresh eyes and captures the spotlight for your brand. This strategic approach not only garners attention but also drives an influx of new followers to your profile.

Loyal Community Of Customers/Clients

Cultivate a vibrant and devoted community of clients who remain actively engaged with your page, long after their initial service. Establish your business as the ultimate "safe space," where trust, support, and connection thrive.

Convert REAL followers to sales

Gaining real, engaged followers who are genuinely interested in your offerings. By maintaining a consistent & captivating online presence, we keep your followers' attention on your page. This, in turn, provides them with compelling reasons to not only stay loyal but also to confidently choose YOU as their preferred and reliable service provider.

What We Do:

You supply the unedited photos and videos – we manage the rest!


Strategy Development

We dedicate the first month to crafting tailored keyword research for your business, ensuring precision in every post. We meticulously edit the visuals you've shared, immerse ourselves in your brand's style, and curate batched story concepts. This thoughtful process establishes a deeper audience connection, setting the stage for impactful content ahead.


Content Creation

We skillfully edit your raw photos and videos to perfection. By meticulously studying your brand, we adeptly craft captions that seamlessly match your tone of voice, ensuring an authentic and resonant narrative that engages your audience.


Community Management

In our approach to client engagement, we prioritize building meaningful connections. We actively respond to comments, addressing inquiries and sparking conversations that resonate. Additionally, we adeptly navigate direct messages, ensuring personalized and timely interactions to meet your needs and foster lasting relationships.


Analytics Report

Our analytic reports serve as illuminating journeys, showcasing both our successes and progression. We unveil the strategies that flourished, providing insights into what resonated with your audience. As we highlight our growth, these reports become essential roadmaps for informed decision-making and continued achievements.

Fill Out This Form To Work With Us!

Packages for EVERY stage of Beauty Business

We've crafted an array of bundle options tailored to every level of business. Explore the choices or reach out to us for a fully customized package!

Beauty Apprentice

A low-risk option tailored for industry newcomers, those operating on a limited budget, or individuals in employment. It serves as an excellent initial step towards crafting a portfolio and establishing your presence through a new social media page.

Solo Service Provider

If you're an independent artist who has already initiated their social media journey but seeks guidance on amplifying growth, you're in the right place. We specialize in assessing your existing approach and seamlessly transitioning to our refined strategy to drive your expansion.

Salon Owner Strategy

Effortlessly managing your multi-staff salon, while ensuring each team member shines prominently on your page. Together, let's revitalize everyone's appointment schedules and propel your salon towards profitability!

Educator Essentials

Navigating life as an educator can be quite a whirlwind! Enlisting the support of a dedicated social media team that adeptly manages your classes, events, podcasts, and all your media requirements can significantly liberate your time. You'll witness remarkable growth in metrics like event participation, podcast listenership, and follower engagement, all while reclaiming valuable moments for yourself.

Brand Domination Bundle

This comprehensive package is tailored to those who wear many hats! Whether you manage a multi-staff salon, serve as an educator, produce podcasts, host grand events, and more – the premium package is precisely what you need. Elevate your marketing presence for every service and product you offer while enjoying a boost to your revenue!

Fully Customized

Explore an array of tailored services thoughtfully crafted to suit every budget. Our dedicated guidance will lead you through choices including the quantity of photos/videos, engagement hours, story integrations, reposts, and beyond. Your preferences serve as the compass for our recommendations, guaranteeing a strategy that perfectly aligns with your needs.

Get To Know Us!

Megan and Kellie, the founders of Luxful Marketing, have always been driven by a deep passion for social media – it's practically ingrained in us as Gen Z natives. Growing up immersed in media, we bring a unique understanding of the landscape.

Our commitment extends to fostering a personalized connection with your business, maintaining continuous dialogue to ensure your utmost satisfaction with both results and content. In this dynamic field, we remain vigilant in staying updated on the latest trends, conducting thorough research, to empower your business with the means to thrive.


Is Social Media Management right for me?

If you are struggling with: Limited time, growing an audience, consistency & quality, lack of expertise, or stagnant growth, it's time to hire Luxful Marketing!

What does the process look like?

You capture "before" and "after" photos & videos of your clients to document their service experiences. Send us your unedited raw content on a monthly basis. We'll transform these materials into stunning pieces of art that grace your social media pages. Our editing process is driven by a deep understanding of your tone of voice, brand identity, and more; ensuring each content piece resonates authentically as you.

How do you handle privacy and security of my accounts?

If not already activated, we will enable two-factor authentication. This added layer of security allows us to monitor login locations, ensuring that only the Luxful Marketing team gains access. Additionally, a text message will be sent to your phone number, prompting us to reach out and inform you about any login activities and verify our involvement in the process.

Do You Offer Payment Plans?

Certainly! You have the flexibility to split payments, with due dates falling on the 1st and 15th of each month.

How do I know which bundle is best for me?

We made this easy for you! Just fill out the questionnaire form and this will help us prep and decide which bundle we think is best for you. Then, during our meeting we will bring up the reasoning/logistics as our team gathers more details and help you choose the best option!

How do I get started?

Two simple steps:

1st: Click the "Questionnaire" button below and fill out the form!

2nd: Click the "Meeting" button below and schedule a meeting with us!

BOTH will open in a NEW tab, once completed - come back here to check out the rest of the website!

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